This time zone converter allows you to quickly and visually convert time in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico to another timezone. Simply hover over the colored hour-tiles and check the corresponding hours displayed in the column.
Current Time Zone: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Puerto Vallarta, Mexico is in the CST (Central Standard Time) zone, with an offset of GMT-6.
- It is important to note that Puerto Vallarta, Mexico does not currently observe Daylight Savings Time.
By using this converter, you can easily determine the time difference between Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and other time zones, making scheduling and coordination hassle-free.
Why is Puerto Vallarta in Central time zone?
In an effort to alleviate the confusion among tourists and simplify matters for locals, the Mexican government has made a decisive move. The entirety of the Banderas Bay area now adheres to the time zone in Puerto Vallarta (Zona Centro). This decision was implemented on March 20, 2019.
Nestled along the stunning coast of Mexico’s Banderas Bay area, the city of Puerto Vallarta enjoys a picturesque setting. This bay, known for its beauty and charm, is uniquely divided between two Mexican states: the northern part falls within Nayarit, while the southern reaches belong to Jalisco. Dividing these regions is the Ameca River, a natural border that runs between the two states.
Both the vibrant city of Puerto Vallarta and the bustling Puerto Vallarta Airport (Licenciado Gustavo Díaz Ordaz International) are situated in the southern part of the bay, nestled just south of the Ameca River within Jalisco. This strategic location provides easy access to the captivating coastal attractions and the warm waters of the bay.
What GMT is Puerto Vallarta?
This convenient time zone converter provides a quick and visual way to convert between Puerto Vallarta, Mexico time and GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). By simply hovering over the colored hour-tiles and observing the corresponding hours, you can easily make the conversion.
GMT, also known as Greenwich Mean Time, is 6 hours ahead of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico time. For example, when it’s 11:00 am in Puerto Vallarta, it will be 5:00 pm GMT. This tool makes it effortless to coordinate schedules and activities across different time zones.